Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fenying Kitchen Club 41-70

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

水粿 Zui Kuih

材料1 - 粘米粉 : 150g, 玉米粉 : 10g, 盐 : ½ tsp, 水 : 200g

材料2 - 沸水 : 400g

材料3 - 炸葱油 : 2 tbsp

馅料: - 葱头 : 4 粒 (剁碎), 蒜头 : 2 粒 (剁碎), 菜脯碎 : 150g (洗净, 沥干水分), 水 : 2 杯 (500g), 糖 : 1 tbsp, 黑酱油 : ¼ tsp



1. 把材料1放入钢盆内搅拌均匀

2. 加入沸水快速搅均成粉浆

3. 加入炸葱油搅拌均匀

4. 把水粿杯放入蒸锅里蒸热5分钟

5. 倒入粉浆9分满, 大火蒸15分钟


1. 烧热油爆香葱头蒜头碎

2. 加入菜脯碎炒香

3. 加入水,糖,黑酱油炒均

4. 以小火焖煮至水干

注:菜脯碎不易煮烂, 可以再加水再焖煮, 至到满意的熟软度为止

Zui Kuih

Ingredients A: 150g rice flour, 10g corn flour, ½ tsp salt, 200g water

Ingredients B: 400g boiled water

Ingredients C: 2 tbsp fried shallot oil

4 shallots (minced)
2 clove of garlic (minced)
150g chopped preserved raddish (washed, drained dry)
2 cup water (500g)
1 tbsp sugar
¼ tsp dark soya sauce

Note: 200g minced pork may be added for even better taste!

Zui kuih Method:

1. Mixed ingredient A in a mixing bowl till well combined

2. Add boiled water (Ingredient B) and mixed quickly till well combined

3. Add fried shallot oil (Ingredient C) and mixed well

4. Steam zui kuih mould for 5 mins till hot

5. Pour flour mixture into mould till 9/10 full and steam over high heat for 15 mins

Fillings Method:

1. Heat oil and fry minced shallot and garlic till fragrant

2. Add chopped preserved raddish and fry till fragrant

3. Add water, sugar and dark soya sauce and fry till mixed well

4. Simmer over low heat till water is fully absorbed

Note: It may takes a longer time for preserved raddish to turn tender, so more water may be added to simmer till raddish reaches, individual prefered tenderness

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Durian Puff

材料1: 牛油 : 125g, 水 : 300g, 糖 : 15g, 盐 : ¼ tsp.

材料2: 普通面粉 : 180g

材料3: 全蛋 : 270g, 香精 : ¼ tsp.


材料4: Whipping cream : 150g (植物性鲜奶油), 榴梿香精 : ¼ tsp.

材料5: (磨成泥) - 榴梿肉: 300g


1. 把材料4放入搅拌钢, 用球形搅拌器, 低速打均再用高速打发

2. 加入榴梿泥, 用低速拌均

3. 放入冰箱冷藏


1. 把材料2的普通面粉筛入钢盆内

2. 把材料1放入锅内, 中火煮开, 搅拌均匀, 熄火立刻倒进材料2中,

3. 让粉团冷却, 然后放入搅拌钢内, 用搅粉团的搅拌器,
分次的把蛋加入, 充分拌均

4. 用1支汤匙, 取适量粉团, 再用另1支汤匙, 把粉团推进烤盘内

5. 放入已预热烤箱, 200ºC / 烘约20分钟至金黄色, 取出

6. 待冷却后, 用剪刀剪开旁边一小段, 放入榴梿馅料

Durian Puff

Puff :

Ingredients A: 125g butter, 300g water, 15g sugar, ¼ tsp salt

Ingredients B: 180g plain flour

Ingredients C: 270g egg, ¼ tsp. vanilla oil

Durian Fillings:

Ingredients D: 150g whipping cream, ¼ tsp durian essence

Ingredients E: (Blend to paste) 300g Durian flesh

Durian fillings method:

1. Whisk Ingredients D in mixing bowl using low speed till well combined, switch to high speed and beat till creamy

2. Add durian flesh (Ingredient E), mixed well at low speed

3. Chill in the fridge

Puff Method:

1. Sieve Ingredient B (plain flour) into mixing bowl

2. Boil Ingredients A in a pot over medium heat, mixing well, turn off fire and pour into Ingredient B immediately, mixed to a smooth dough

3. Leave dough to cool, transfer to mixing bowl and add eggs, (Ingredients C) gradually, blend well

4. Spoon a suitable quantity of dough mixture, and using another, spoon to push it onto a baking tray

5. Bake at pre-heated oven of 200ºC till golden brown (about 20 mins), remove and cool

6. When puff cool down, slit an opening at the side using a pair of scissors,
fill with durian fillings

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

蜜瓜西米露 Sago & Honey Dew Dessert

材料1 : 哈蜜瓜 : 1粒

材料2 :西谷米 : 75g 

材料3 :- 椰浆 : 1½ litre, 椰糖 : 100g, 白糖 : 50g, 香兰叶 : 5片


1. 把西谷米洗净, 浸泡20分钟, 沥干待用

2. 哈蜜瓜去皮, 切小块待用

3. 把材料3放进锅内煮至滚开

4. 加入西谷米不停搅煮至呈透明状

5. 投入已切好的哈密瓜拌均, 熄火

Sago & Honey Dew Dessert

Ingredient A: 1 honey dew melon

Ingredient B: 75g sago

Ingredients C: 1½ litre coconut milk, 100g gula melaka, 50g sugar, 5 pandan leave


1. Rinse sago and soak for 20 mins, drained

2. Remove honey dew melon skin and diced for use later

3. Boil Ingredient C together in a pot

4. Add drained sago to boil till transparent stirring constantly

5. Add diced honey dew to mix and turn off the heat

Saturday, April 28, 2007

甜西谷米糕 Sweet Sago Kuih

材料1: 去皮白揶丝 : ½ 粒, 盐 : ½ tsp

材料2: (洗净, 浸泡20分钟, 沥干) - 西谷米 : 250g

材料3: 细砂糖 : 170g, 青色素 : ¼ tsp, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

香蕉叶 : 1 片 (剪成圆形, 铺在22cm的蒸盘上)


1. 把白揶丝和盐混均, 大火蒸10分钟, 取出待用

2. 把已沥干的西谷米和材料3充分拌均

3. 倒在已铺上蕉叶的蒸盘上

4. 大火蒸约20分钟至熟, 取出, 待冷

5. 切成块状, 沾上白揶丝即可


Sweet Sago Kuih

Ingredients A: - ½ grated white coconut, ½ tsp salt

Ingredients B: (wash, soak for 20 mins, drained) 250g sago

Ingredients C: 170g fine sugar, ¼ tsp green coloring, ¼ tsp Vanilla oil,1 pc banana leaf (cut round to lay on 22cm steaming tray)


1. Steam ingredient A for 10 mins over high heat, to be use later

2. Mixed drained sago with ingredient C till evenly mixed

3. Pour mixture into steaming tray pre-lined with banana leaf

4. Steam over high heat for approx. 20 mins till cooked, cool

5. Cut into desired pieces and coat with grated white coconut

Note: Grease steaming tray with oil if no banana leaf is used

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

水果塔 Fruit tarts


材料1: 牛油 : 250g, 糖粉 : 50g (过筛)

材料2: (混均) - 全蛋 : 50g, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

材料3: (过筛) - 普通面粉 : 375g, 蛋黄粉 : 25g, 发粉 : 5g, 盐 : ¼ tsp

材料4: (隔水溶化)- 巧克力 : 100g


1. 把牛油和糖粉放入搅拌钢内, 用中速搅拌均匀

2. 分2次加入材料2, 拌打至奶油状

3. 加入材料3已过筛的粉料, 用低速拌均成团, 不要搅拌过度

4. 放入冰箱冷藏半小时, 取出

5. 在桌面上洒些粉, 把粉团杆成3mm厚度

6. 用“圆形切割器” 切成圆饼皮

7. 把圆饼皮放入塔杯里, 把杯轻掉几下, 用手指沿着塔边压平, 割掉多余的饼皮, 用叉在塔皮上刺孔

8. 把塔杯放进已预热烤箱, 190°C烘至金黄色, 取出待冷

9. 从塔杯取出塔皮, 在塔皮内涂上巧克力酱

: 此份量可制作28-30个塔皮


材料1 - 鲜奶 : 100g, 全蛋 : 1粒, 蛋黄粉 : 35g

材料2 - 鲜奶 : 200g, Fresh cream : 100g, 糖 : 80g

材料3: Vanilla oil : ½ tsp


1. 把材料1全部混合均匀成粉浆, 过沥待用

2. 把材料2放入锅内, 中火搅煮至糖溶

3. 慢慢加入材料1的粉浆, 边加边搅, 煮至糊状及熟, 熄火

4. 待稍冷, 加入vanilla oil拌均

5. 把蛋奶糊放进已烘好的塔皮内, 铺上水果装饰

: 此份量可制做15杯

Fruit Tart

Sweet short crust pastry

Ingredients A: 250g butter, 50g icing powder (sieve)
Ingredients B: (mix) - 50g eggs, ¼ tsp Vanilla oil
Ingredients C: (sieve) - 375g plain flour, 25g custard powder, 5g baking powder, ¼ tsp salt
Ingredients D: (melt in a bowl standing in boiling water) - 100g chocolate


1. Beat butter and icing powder in the mixer using medium speed

2. Add ingredients B in 2 separate additions and beat till creamy

3. Mix sieved Ingredients C using low speed to form dough, do not over mix

4. Chilled dough in the fridge for 30 mins

5. Roll dough to 3 mm thickness on a floured tabletop

6. Cut pastry into circles with a round cutter

7. Place round pastry on tarts mould, drop mould lightly a few times to let pastry sink into mould, then press to the rim to shape tarts, cutting off any excess pastry, prick evenly with a fork

8. Bake in pre-heated oven at 190°C till golden, cool

9. Remove tarts shell from mould and brush inside with melted chocolate

Note: makes 28 tarts shell

Custard Cream

Ingredients A: 100g milk, 1 egg, 35g custard powder

Ingredients B: 200g milk, 100g Fresh cream :, 80g sugar

Ingredients A: ½ tsp Vanilla oil


1. Mix Ingredients A evenly and strained

2. Boil Ingredients B in a pot till sugar melted

3. Add strained Ingredients A gradually, stirring constantly till mixture cooked, switch off heat

4. Mixed vanilla oil evenly into slightly cooled cooked mixture

5. Fill tarts shell with custard cream and decorate with fruits

Note: This quantity makes 15 cups

Friday, May 4, 2007

蛋塔 Egg Tart


材料1 - 水 : 150g, 鲜奶 : 100g, 糖 : 120g, 醋 : ½ tsp

材料2 - 全蛋 : 3粒, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp


1. 把材料1放进钢盆内搅至糖溶

2. 加入材料2搅均

3. 过沥待用

: 此份量可做20杯


材料1: 牛油 : 250g, 糖粉 : 50g (过筛)

材料2: (混均) - 全蛋 : 50g, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

材料3: (过筛) - 普通面粉 : 375g, 蛋黄粉 : 25g, 发粉 : 5g, 盐 : ¼ tsp


1. 把材料1的牛油和糖粉放入搅拌钢内, 用中速搅拌均匀

2. 把材料2分2次加入拌打至奶油状

3. 加入材料3已过筛的粉料, 用低速拌均成团, 不要搅拌过度

4. 放入冰箱冷冻半小时, 取出

5. 在桌面上洒些粉, 把粉团杆成3mm厚度

6. 用“圆形切割器” 切割粉皮

7. 把圆形粉皮放入塔杯里, 把杯轻掉几下, 按好, 割掉多余的饼皮

8. 把蛋奶倒入塔杯8分满

9. 放进已预热烤箱, 180°C烘约25分钟至熟, 取出待冷

Egg Tart

Egg Fillings
Ingredient A: 150g water, 100g milk, 120g sugar, ½ tsp vinegar

Ingredient B: 3 eggs, ¼ tsp Vanilla oil,


1. Blend ingredient A together in a bowl till sugar dissolve

2. Mix in Ingredient B till well combined

3. Strain mixture for use later

Note: This quantity makes 20 cups

Sweet shortcrust pastry

Ingredients A: 250g butter, 50g icing powder (sieve)

Ingredients B: (mix) - 50g eggs, ¼ tsp Vanilla oil

Ingredients C: (sieve) : 375g plain flour, 25g custard powder, 5g baking powder, ¼ tsp salt


1. Beat butter and icing powder in the mixer using medium speed

2. Add ingredients B in 2 separate additions and beat till creamy

3. Mix sieved Ingredients C using low speed to form dough, do not over mix

4. Chilled dough in the fridge for 30 mins

5. Roll dough to 3 mm thickness on a floured tabletop

6. Cut pastry into circles with a round cutter

7. Place round pastry on tarts mould, drop mould lightly a few times to let pastry sink into mould, then press to the rim to shape tarts, cutting off any excess pastry

8. Fill tart shell with filling till about 80% full

9. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180°C for approx. 25 mins till cooked, remove and cool

Saturday, May 5, 2007

葡式蛋塔 Portuguese Egg Tart 


材料1 : Fresh cream : 50g, 糖 : 50g

材料2 : 全蛋 : 2粒 (120g), 鲜奶 : 150g, Fresh cream : 50g,Vanilla oil : ½ tsp


1. 把材料1的Fresh cream 和 糖混合, 搅至糖溶

2. 把材料2所有的材料搅拌均匀

3. 把材料1和材料2充分拌均, 过沥待用

: 此份量可做20杯


材料1: 牛油 : 250g, 糖粉 : 50g (过筛)

材料2: (混均) :全蛋 : 50g, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

材料3: (过筛) : 普通面粉 : 375g; 蛋黄粉 : 25g; 发粉 : 5g; 盐 : ¼ tsp


1. 把材料1的牛油和糖粉放入搅拌钢内, 用中速搅拌均匀

2. 把材料2分2次加入拌打至奶油状

3. 加入材料3已过筛的粉料, 用低速拌均成团, 不要搅拌过度

4. 放入冰箱冷冻半小时, 取出

5. 在桌面上洒些粉, 把粉团杆成3mm厚度

6. 用“圆形切割器” 切割粉皮

7. 把圆形粉皮放入塔杯里, 把杯轻掉几下, 按好, 割掉多余的饼皮

8. 把蛋奶倒入塔杯8分满

9. 放进已预热烤箱, 180°C烘约25分钟至熟, 取出待冷

Portuguese Egg Tart

Egg Filling
Ingredient A: 50g fresh cream, 50g sugar

Ingredient B: 2 eggs, 150g milk, 50g fresh cream, ½ tsp vanilla oil


1. Stir Ingredient A - sugar in fresh cream till sugar dissolves

2. Mix Ingredient B thoroughly

3. Combined Ingredient A & B evenly together, strained for use later

Note: This quantity makes 20 cups

Sweet short crust pastry

Ingredients A: 250g butter, 50g icing powder (sieve)

Ingredients B: (mix) : 50g eggs, ¼ tsp Vanilla oil

Ingredients C: (sieve) : 375g plain flour, 25g custard powder, 5g baking powder, ¼ tsp salt


1. Beat butter and icing powder in the mixer using medium speed

2. Add ingredients B in 2 separate additions and beat till creamy

3. Mix sieved Ingredients C using low speed to form dough, do not over mix

4. Chilled dough in the fridge for 30 mins

5. Roll dough to 3 mm thickness on a floured tabletop

6. Cut pastry into circles with a round cutter

7. Place round pastry on tarts mould, drop mould lightly a few times to let pastry sink into mould, then press to the rim to shape tarts, cutting off any excess pastry

8. Fill tart shell with filling till about 80% full

9. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180°C for approx. 25 mins till cooked, remove and cool

Friday, May 11, 2007

芋泥 Yam Paste 

材料 : 芋头 : 500g (已去皮), 油 : 120g,小葱头 : 10粒 (切片), 糖 : 200g, 浓椰浆 : 200g, 白果 : 适量


1. 把芋头切半寸厚片, 大火蒸熟透, 乘热放进搅拌机,加 入适量水, 搅拌至细滑泥状, 待用

2. 烧热油, 投入葱片炸至金黄色, 捞起葱片

3. 加入芋泥和糖不停的翻炒, 至快干时熄火

4. 盛起, 放入大腕内, 排上白果, 淋上浓椰浆, 即可享用

Yam Paste (Oni)

Ingredients: 500g Yam (skinless),120g cooking oil,10 shallots (sliced),200g sugar,200g thick coconut milk,

Gingko nuts


1. Slice yam into ½" thick slices and steam over high heat till completely cooked and soften, while hot, blend in a blender with water to a smooth paste

2. Sauté shallots in hot oil till golden, dish out shallots

3. Add yam paste together with sugar, stirring constantly till almost dry, remove from heat

4. Dish into a big bowl, serve with gingko nuts and thick coconut milk

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

蒸蛋糕 Steam Cake

材料1 : 马里饼 : 300g (磨成粉), 双重发粉 : 10g (过筛)
材料2 : 全蛋 : 4 粒, 糖 : 240g, 鲜奶 : 240g,Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp
材料3 : 溶化牛油 : 160g
材料4 : 可可粉 : 15g (过筛)


1. 把材料2放进钢盆内, 搅至糖溶, 过沥

2. 加入材料1 混合均匀

3. 加入溶化牛油混合均匀

4. 把面糊分成3份, 取1份面糊加入可可粉, 搅拌均匀

5. 把20cm烤盘周边及底部搽油, 在底部铺上纸

6. 倒进第1份面糊, 抹平, 大火蒸15分钟, 取出,用竹签 在已蒸熟的蛋糕上叉几个洞

7. 倒进第2份褐色面糊, 抹平, 大火蒸15分钟, 取出

8. 倒进第3份面糊, 抹平, 大火蒸15分钟, 取出待冷

Steam Cake

Ingredients A: 300g marie biscuit (crush), 10g double action baking powder (sieve)

Ingredients B: 4 eggs, 240g sugar, 240g milk, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

Ingredients C: 160g melted butter,

Ingredients D: 15g cocoa powder (sieve)


1. Mix Ingredients B into a mixing bowl stir till sugar dissolves, strain

2. Add in Ingredients A and mix until well combined

3. Add melted butter and mix well

4. Divide batter into 3 portions. Add cocoa powder into one of the portion and mix till well combined

5. Grease baking tin (20cm) and line with baking paper

6. Pour 1st portion of plain batter into baking tin and spread neatly. Steam with high heat for 15 mins. Remove baking tin from steamer, prick

7. Pour in 2nd portion of brown batter and spread neatly. Steam with high heat for 15 mins. Remove baking tin from steamer, prick

8. Pour in 3rd portion of plain batter and spread neatly. Steam with high heat for 15 mins. Remove baking tin from steamer and let cool

Saturday, May 19, 2007

蒸鸡 Steam Chicken

材料1 - 鸡 : 1 只 (斩小块)

材料2 (腌料) - 蚝油 : 2 tbsp, 糖 : 1 tbsp, 胡椒粉 : ¼ tsp, 花雕酒 : 1 tbsp, 麻油 : 1 tbsp, 玉米粉 : ½ tbsp

材料3 - 蒜头 : 8 粒 (剁碎), 嫩姜 : 1小块 (剁碎), 红辣椒 : 2条 (切粒), 青葱 : 5根 (切粒)


1. 把材料1的鸡肉和材料2的调味料, 放在盘上混合均 匀, 腌约15分钟

2. 均匀的把蒜头碎和姜碎洒在鸡肉上, 最后洒上辣椒粒和青葱粒

3. 大火蒸15分钟


Ingredient A: - 1 chicken (cut into pieces)

Ingredient B: (marinade) : 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp sugar, ¼ tsp pepper, 1 tbsp hua tiao wine
1 tbsp sesame oil, ½ tbsp corn flour

Ingredient C: 8 clove of garlic (chopped), 1 ginger (chopped), 2 chillies (diced), 5 spring onion (diced)


1. Mix Ingredient A with Ingredients B evenly and marinate for 15 mins

2. Spread chopped garlic and ginger evenly on chicken,then sprinkle diced chillies and onion on top

3. Steam over high flame for 15 mins

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oreo 芝士蛋糕 Oreo Cheese Cake

Oreo 饼干 : 200g (去掉夹心奶油后的重量, 压碎), 溶化牛油 : 165g

材料1 : Fresh cream : 250g, 芒果香精 : ¼ tsp

材料2 : 鱼胶粉 : 20g, 热滚水 : 60g

材料3 (混均) : 芒果浆 : 150g (peel Fresh), 柠檬汁 : 25g

材料4 : Cream cheese : 500g (放室温½ 小时), 糖粉 : 150g

* 1个22cm 圆形, 底部可取出的烘盘 *


1. 把Oreo 饼干碎和溶化牛油拌均匀

2. 放入烘盘内压平, 置入冰箱冷冻至硬

3. 把材料1的Fresh cream 和mango essence 放入搅拌 钢, 用中速打发, 放入冰箱储存

4. 鱼胶粉加热滚水搅溶, 放一旁待冷

5. 把材料3 的芒果浆和拧檬汁混均, 待用

6. 把cream cheese和糖粉放入搅拌钢, 用中速打至松发

7. 用低速加入芒果浆和柠檬汁的混合液拌均

8. 加入已冷却的鱼胶粉混合液拌均

9. 分3次加入已打发的Fresh cream拌均

10. 把芝士混合物倒入饼皮上, 放入冰箱冷藏5-6小时即可, 最好是放过夜

Oreo Cheese Cake

Crust: 200g Oreo cookies, removed filling and pressed into crumbs, 165g melted butter

Ingredients A: 250g fresh cream, ¼ tsp mango essence

Ingredients B: 20g gelatine powder, 60g boiling water

Ingredients C: 150g mango juice (Peel Fresh), 25g lemon juice

Ingredients D: 500g cream cheese (leaves at room temp. ½ hour), 150g icing sugar

* 22cm spring form tin with removable base *


1. Combine oreo biscuit crumbs and melted butter

2. Press into cake tin base evenly and chill to harden

3. Whisk Ingredient A (Fresh cream and mango essence) at medium speed till creamy, chill in the fridge

4. Dissolve gelatine in boiling water, leaves to cool

5. Mix Ingredient C (mango juice and lemon juice) till well combined, for use later

6. Beat cream cheese and icing sugar till light and fluffy at medium speed

7. Mix in mango juice mixture at low speed

8. Add cooled gelatine mixture and mix well

9. Combine whisked fresh cream evenly in 3 additions

10. Pour cheese mixture into cake tin with biscuits base, chill in the fridge for 5-6 hours, best chill overnight

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

虾酱鸡 Shrimp Paste Chicken

材料1 - 鸡中翼 : 1kg (洗净, 沥干)

材料2 (腌料) - 虾酱 : 2 tbsp, 麻油 : 1 tbsp, 胡椒粉 : ½ tsp, 花雕酒 : 1 tbsp, 糖 : 1 tbsp, 蜜糖 : 1 tbsp, 玉米粉 : 1 tbsp

材料3 - 蛋白 : 1个

材料4 - 薯粉 : 200g


1. 把材料1和材料2充分混和均匀腌约1-2个小时

2. 加入蛋白混和均匀

3. 把每1个鸡翼很均匀的沾上薯粉

4. 以中火炸至金黄色


Ingredients A: 1 kg mid-joint wings (washed, drained dry)

Ingredients B: (marinade) : 2 tbsp fine shrimp sauce, 1 tbsp sesame oil, ½ tsp pepper, 1 tbsp hua tiao wine, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp corn flour

Ingredients C: 1 egg white

Ingredients D: 200g tapioca flour


1. Mixed Ingredients A and Ingredients B evenly and marinate for 1-2 hours

2. Add egg white and mixed till well combine

3. Coat every wing evenly with tapioca flour

4. Fry till golden with medium heat

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

用电饭锅煮鸡饭 Cooking Chicken Rice with Rice Cooker

材料1 - 鸡 : 1只

材料2 (鸡汤) - 姜 : 1大块 (拍裂), 香兰叶 : 5片, 盐 : 1 tsp, 麻油 : 1 tsp

材料3 (鸡饭) - 葱头 : 6粒 (剁碎), 蒜头 : 3粒 (剁碎), 姜片 : 5片, 米 : 3 杯 (洗净, 沥干水分), 盐 : 2 tsp, 胡椒粉 : 少许, 麻油 : 1 tsp, 鸡汤 : 照电饭锅的水量指数, 香兰叶 : 5片

材料4 (辣椒酱) - 红辣椒 : 15条, 嫩姜片 : 3片, 蒜头 : 5粒, 酸柑 : 5粒 (切开取汁)
糖 : 1-2 tsp, 盐 : ¼ tsp

材料5 - 黄瓜 : 1条 (头尾切一小段不要, 泡在冷水中1小时)


1. 把水倒入大锅里 (水量以盖过鸡为准)

2. 加入材料2, 大火煮滚

3. 把鸡投入, 煮10分钟, 熄火

4. 把锅盖盖上, 静待10分钟

5. 取出鸡, 把鸡放进冷水中, 5分钟后取出, 滴干水分,均匀的搽上麻油


1. 烧热油, 投入葱蒜碎, 姜片, 炒至香及金黄色

2. 加入米, 盐, 胡椒粉, 麻油, 炒至香, 熄火

3. 把炒好的米, 放入电饭锅, 加入鸡汤至适当指数

4. 加入香兰叶煮成饭

辣椒酱的制作法 :把材料4所有的材料放入搅果汁机, 加入一点水, 搅成辣椒酱

Chicken Rice
Ingredient A - 1 whole chicken

Ingredient B (For Soup) - 1 large pc ginger (smashed), 5 pcs pandan leaves
1 tsp salt, 1 tsp sesame oil

Ingredient C (For rice) : 6 pcs shallot (chopped), 3 cloves garlic (chopped), 5 slices of ginger, 3 cups of rice (wash, drained dry), 2 tsp salt, pinch of pepper, 1 tsp sesame oil, Chicken Soup Stock (according to rice cooker instructions), 5 pcs pandan leaves

Ingredient D (chilli sauce) : 15 pcs red chillies, 3 slices of young ginger, 5 cloves garlic, 5 pcs limes (cut and squeeze for juices), 1-2 tsp sugar, ¼ tsp salt

Ingredient E : 1 cucumber (discard small section of top and bottom, soak in cold water for 1 hour)

Method: (For chicken)

1. Fill a large pot with water (enough to cover chicken)

2. Add Ingredient B, bring to a boil over high flame

3. Drop chicken into it, boil for 10 mins, remove from heat

4. Cover pot, stand for 10 mins

5. Remove chicken, soak in cold water, remove after 5 mins, drained dry, oiled evenly with sesame oil.

Method: (For rice)

1. Heat up oil, sauté chopped shallots, garlic & sliced ginger till fragrant and golden brown

2. Add rice, salt, pepper, sesame oil, fry till fragrant, remove from heat

3. Pour ready fried rice into rice cooker, add sufficient chicken soup to required markings

4. Add pandan leaves and cook till rice form

Method: (For chilli sauce) :Place all Ingredients D in a blender, add a little water, blend to form chilli sauce

Saturday, June 9, 2007

海绵蛋糕Ⅱ Sponge Cake Ⅱ

材料1 : 糖 : 85g, 蛋糕面粉 : 100g, 发粉 : 5g,全蛋 : 200g, 鲜奶 : 35g, Vanilla oil : ¼tsp,SP : 10g (发泡剂)

材料2 : 溶化牛油 : 40g


1. 把材料1放入搅拌钢

2. 以低速拌均所有材料

3. 再以高速打5分钟, 改用低速打1分钟

4. 加入熔化牛油拌均

5. 倒入已铺上纸的20cm 烤盆

6. 送入已预热烤箱180°C烘35分钟

7. 取出, 倒扣至冷

Sponge Cake Ⅱ

Ingredients A: 85g sugar, 100g Cake flour,5g double action baking powder, 200g eggs, 35g milk, ¼ tsp. Vanilla oil, 10g SP (sponge cake stabiliser)

Ingredients B: 40g melted butter


1. Place Ingredient A in a mixing bowl

2. Mixed all ingredients evenly at low speed

3. Beat at high speed for 5 mins, switch to low speed, beat for another 1 min

4. Add melted butter and mixed to well combined

5. Pour batter into 20 cm pre-lined baking tray

6. Bake at 180°C pre-heated oven for 35 mins

7. Remove, over turn to cool

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

辣沙 Laksa

配料: 去壳鲜蛤 : 100g, 鱼饼 : 2块 (切片), 虾 : 300g (烫熟, 去壳, 切片), 辣沙叶 : 适量 (切细丝), 豆芽 : 250g (烫熟), 粗米粉 : 500g

辣椒 :
材料1 - 买已搅好辣椒 : 200g

材料2 (全部磨烂) - 小葱头 : 100g, 麻角力 : 10 粒, 马拉煎 : 1小块

材料3 - 糖 : 50g


1. 烧热油, 倒入材料1和材料2, 以中火炒至香熟

2. 加入糖, 炒均至溶, 盛起待用


材料1 (1½粒椰丝) - 浓椰浆 : 500g, 椰浆 : 1½ litre

材料2 (全部磨烂) - 小葱头: 200g (去衣), 香 茅 : 3 根 (只取根部)
黄 姜 : 1小块 (去皮), 南 姜 : 1大块 (去皮), 麻角力 : 6 粒, 马拉煎 : 1小块

材料3 (洗净, 浸泡10分钟, 磨烂) - 虾米 : 200g

材料4 - 豆卜 : 适量 (切半)

材料5 - 已炒好的辣椒 : 适量


1. 1½粒的椰丝加入1杯水, 挤出500g的浓椰浆, 放一旁待用, 再加入水, 挤出1½ litre的椰浆, 过沥, 放进电饭锅内

2. 烧热油, 倒入材料2的香料炒香

3. 加入材料3 炒至香熟, 全部盛起, 放入电饭锅内

4. 加入材料4, 启动电饭锅按钮, 煮至滚开

5. 加入浓椰浆煮至滚开

6. 加入适量已炒熟的辣椒

7. 加入糖, 盐, 调味


Accompaniments: 100g de-shelled fresh cockles, 2 pcs fried fish cake (sliced),
300g prawns (blanched, de-shell, sliced), Laksa Leaves (mince thinly),
250g bean sprouts (blanched), 500g thick bee hoon

Ingredients A: 20g ready minced chillies

Ingredients B: (Mince together) - 100g shallots (remove skin), 10 candlenuts (buah keras), 1 small pc belacan

Ingredients C: - 50g sugar


1) Heat oil, add Ingredient A and B, sauté till fragrant

2) Add sugar, stir fry till sugar dissolved, dish out for use later

Curry gravy:
Ingredients A: (1½ grated coconut) : 500g thick coconut milk, 1½ litre coconut milk

Ingredients B: (Mince together) : 200g shallots (remove skin), 3 stalks lemon grass (use only root portion), 1 pcs kunyit (remove skin), 1 pcs lengkuas (remove skin), 6 candlenuts (buah keras),
1pcs belacan

Ingredients C: (washed, soak for 10 mins, minced) : 200g dried shrimps

Ingredients D: Some taufoo pok, cut into halves

Ingredients E: Some ready fried chillies

1. Add 1 cup water to 1½ grated coconut, squeeze 500g of thick coconut milk, set aside for use later. Add water again, squeeze 1½ litre coconut milk, strained, put into rice cooker

2. Heat up oil, sauté Ingredient B till fragrant

3. Add Ingredients C, fry till cooked and fragrant, add into rice cooker

4. Drop in Ingredients D, set rice cooker to cook, cook till boiling

5. Add thick coconut milk and bring to a boil

6. Add some ready fried chillies

7. Add sugar and salt to taste

Monday, June 18, 2007

九层糕 Kuih Lapis

材料1 : 糖 : 210g, 水 : 150g, 香兰叶 : 6 片

材料2 : 粘米粉 : 50g, 薯 粉 : 180g, 椰浆 : 480g, 盐 : ½ tsp,Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp


1. 把材料2放进深盆内, 搅拌均匀

2. 把材料1煮开, 倒进材料2里, 搅均, 过沥

3. 把粉浆分成2份, 1份加入红色, 1份保留白色

4. 把16 - 18 cm 蒸盘蒸热, 倒入白色粉浆 100g, 蒸5分钟

5. 倒入红色粉浆 100g , 蒸5分钟

6. 重复同样的方法至最后1层, 蒸10分钟

7. 取出待冷便可享用

Kuih Lapis

Ingredients A: 210g sugar, 150g water,6 pcs pandan leaves

Ingredients B: 50g rice flour, 180g tapioca flour, 480g coconut milk
½ tsp salt, ¼ tsp Vanilla oil


1. Put Ingredients B into a mixing bowl and mix well

2. Mix Ingredients A and bring to boil. Pour into Ingredients B and mix well, strain.

3. Divide batter into 2 equal parts. Add red coloring in 1 part. Leave 1 part white

4. Heat up a 16 - 18 cm steaming tray, pour 100g of white mixture into the steaming tray and steam for 5 mins

5. Pour 100g of red mixture on top of the white layer and steam for 5 mins

6. Repeat until the last layer, steam for 10 mins

7. Remove, leave to cool completely before cutting into pieces

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

港式皮蛋粥 Hong Kong Porridge with Preserved Egg 

米 : 1杯, 盐 : 1 tsp, 食 油 : 1 tbsp, 鸡 湯 : 4杯, 皮 蛋 : 2 個 (切小块)
肉 丸 : 200g , 姜 片 : 4片, 青 葱 : 隨意


1. 米洗净, 滴干水分

2. 将米, 盐, 食油混和均匀, 腌约20分钟

3. 把腌好的米放入电饭锅, 倒入鸡湯, 启动按钮, 当粥煮熟时, 加入肉丸继续煮烂

4. 加入皮蛋, 姜片, 搅匀, 食用时在粥面洒些芫荽, 葱花, 也可放些油条在粥面上

Hong Kong Porridge with Preserved Egg

Rice 1 cup, Pounded salt 1 tsp, Corn oil 1 tbsp
Chicken soup 4 cups, Eggs preserved in potash 2 each
Pork balls 200g, Sliced ginger as needed, Spring onion as needed


1. Rinse the rice clean and dry.

2. Marinade the rice with salt and corn oil. Stir to mix and leave for 20 minutes.

3. Pour the Marinade rice into your Toshiba Rice cooker and pour soup in. Press the cook button. When the rice is nearly cooked, put in the pork balls and continue cooking.

4. Put in the eggs and stir to mix. Serve with coriander, ginger, and spring onion sprinkles on top with Chinese doughnuts.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

巧克力海绵蛋糕Chocolate sponge cake

材料1 - 糖 : 90g , 蛋糕面粉 : 85g, 发粉 : 5g, 全蛋 : 180g, 鲜奶 : 35g
Coffee oil : ½tsp, SP : 8g

材料2 (搅拌均匀) - 溶化牛油 : 30g, 可可粉 : 10g


1)   把材料1放入搅拌钢.

2)   以低速拌均所有材料
3)   再以高速打5分钟, 改用低速打1分钟.

4)   加入材料2拌均.

5)   倒入已铺上纸的20cm 烤盆

6)   送入已预热烤箱180°C, 烘40分钟. 7) 取出, 倒扣至冷

Chocolate sponge cake

Ingredients A: 90g sugar, 85g cake flour,5g baking powder, 180g egg, 35g milk, ½tsp Coffee oil, 8g SP

Ingredients B: (mix well) - 30g melt butter, 10g cocoa powder


1)  Place Ingredient A in a mixing bowl

2)  Mixed all ingredients evenly at low speed

3)  Beat at high speed for 5 mins, switch to low speed, beat for another 1 min

4)  Add Ingredients B and mixed to well combined

5)  Pour batter into 20 cm pre-lined baking tray

6)  Bake at 180°C pre-heated oven for 40 mins

7)  Remove, over turn to cool


材料1 - 巧克力 : 250g, 动物性鲜奶油 : 50g

材料2 - 动物性鲜奶油 : 250g


1. 把材料1隔水蒸煮至溶化, 取出 待冷

2. 把材料2打发

3. 把材料1和材料2混合拌均匀, 即成巧克力馅料


材料1 (混合搅均) - 可可粉 : 10g (过筛), 热水 : 30g

材料2 - 植物性鲜奶油 : 200g


1. 把植物性鲜奶油打发

2. 加入材料1拌均匀


1. 将巧克力海绵蛋糕横切成 3 片

2. 取一些馅料放在第一片蛋糕上, 抹平

3. 盖上第2片蛋糕, 放上馅料, 抹平

4. 盖上第3片蛋糕

5. 用已打发的蛋糕外层淇淋, 把整个蛋糕涂满

6. 洒上少许可可粉, 放入冰箱冷藏2小时

Chocolate Cake

Ingredients A: 250g couverture chocolate, 50g whipping cream

Ingredients B: 250g whipping cream


1. Melt Ingredients A over double boiler, let cool.

2. Whisk Ingredients B till stiffen.

3. Add Ingredients A to Ingredients B to form chocolate filling.

Cake Topping

Ingredients A: (mix well) - 10g cocoa powder (sifted) , 30g hot water

Ingredients B: 200g Topping cream


1. Whisk topping cream till stiffen.

2. Stir in Ingredients A, mix well.


1. Slice the chocolate sponge cake into 3 horizontal layer

2. Cover cake with some filling , evenly distribute the filling onto 1st layer , smooth surface.

3. Top with 2nd layer of cake, repeat process, cover cake with some filling, evenly distribute the filling onto 2nd layer.

4. Top with 3rd layer of cake.

5. Ice the whole assembled cake with cake topping cream.

6. Sprinkle with some cocoa powder, refrigerate for 2 hours.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

咖哩角 Curry Puff


材料1 - 洋葱 : 1粒 (去衣, 切丁), 鸡肉 : 200g (切丁), 马铃薯 : 2粒 (煮熟, 去皮, 切丁)

材料2 (香料) - 咖哩粉 : 3tbsp, 辣椒粉 : 1tsp, 黄姜粉 : ½ tsp

材料3 - 椰浆 : 1杯


1)   烧热油, 把洋葱炒香

2)   加入鸡肉炒均

3)   加入材料2 (香料) 炒香

4)   加入马铃薯炒均

5)   加入椰浆炒煮至干, 取出, 待冷

材料1 (过筛) - 普通面粉 : 270g, 粘米粉 : 20g, 玉米粉 : 10g

材料2 - 白油 / 牛油 : 120g

材料3 (混均) - 水 : 75g, 盐 : ¼ tsp


1)   把材料2的油脂, 放在材料1的粉中, 用手指搓至面包糠状

2)   倒人材料3, 搓成光滑粉团, 盖上布, 松弛30分钟

3)   把粉团杆成2mm厚度, 用“圆形切割器”切成圆片

4)   包上馅料, 对折成半圆形, 边缘折上花边

5)   烧热半锅油, 以中火把咖哩角炸至金黄色, 捞起, 用吸油纸吸干油份

Curry Puff


Ingredients A: 1 no onion (remove skin, diced), 200g chicken meat(diced), 2 nos potatoes (boiled, remove skin, diced)

Ingredients B: 3tbsp curry powder, 1tsp chilli powder, ½ tsp turmeric powder

Ingredients C: 1cup coconut milk


1)   Heat pan with oil, fry onion till fragrant.

2)   Add in chicken, stir fry.

3)   Add in Ingredients B, stir fry till fragrant.
4)   Add in potatoes, stir fry.

5)   Pour in coconut milk, stir fry till dry, leave to cool.

Ingredients A: 270g plain flour, 20g rice flour, 10g corn flour

Ingredients B: 120g shortening / butter

Ingredients C: (mix well): 75g water, ¼ tsp salt


1) Rub in Ingredients B into Ingredients A to form bread crumbs.

2) Add in Ingredients C, knead into a smooth dough, cover with cloth and leave aside to rest for 30mins

3) Flatten the dough, roll to 2mm thickness, use round cutter to cut the shape.

4) Wrap the filling, fold into semi circle and seal the sides. Pleat the edges to form flower design or any design.

5) Heat oil, deep fry curry puffs in medium hot oil till golden brown, drain on kitchen paper towel.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

咖哩鸡 Curry Chicken

材料1 - 鸡 : 1只 (斩块),马铃薯 : 5粒 (煮熟, 去皮, 切块)

材料2 (1½粒椰丝) - 浓椰浆 : 1 cup, 稀椰浆 : 3 cup

材料3 (全部磨烂) - 辣椒干 : 10 – 15条 (泡软), 红辣椒 : 10条, 小葱头 : 200g (去衣), 香 茅 : 4 根 (只取根部), 黄 姜 : 1小块 (去皮), 南 姜 : 1大块 (去皮), 麻角力 : 8 粒

材料4 - 咖哩叶 : 3支 (洗净)


1) 1½粒的椰丝加入½杯水, 挤出1 杯的浓椰浆, 待用再加入水, 挤出约1 liter的稀椰浆, 待用

2) 烧热油, 倒入材料3的香料及咖哩叶炒香

3) 加入鸡块炒均

4) 加入稀椰浆煮滚, 盖上锅盖, 煮约15分钟至熟

5) 加入马铃薯与浓椰浆煮至滚开

6) 加入盐, 鸡精块 / 糖, 调味

Curry Chicken
Ingredients A: 1 chicken (cut into bite-sized), 5 potatoes (boiled, remove skin, cut into bite-sized)

Ingredients B: (1½ grated coconut )
1 cup thick coconut milk, 3 cup diluted coconut milk

Ingredients C: (blend well)
10 – 15 pieces dry chillies, (soak in water), 10 pieces red chillies
200g shallots (remove skin), 4 stalks lemon grass (use root portion)
1 piece tumeric (kunyit) (remove skin), 1 pieces long galangal (lengkuas) (remove skin), 8 pieces buah keras

Ingredients D: 3 stalks curry leaves (wash)


1) Add 1/2 cup water to 1½ grated coconut, squeeze out 1 cup of thick coconut milk, set aside for use later. Add water again, squeeze out another 1 liter of coconut milk, side aside.

2) Heat wok with oil, pour in Ingredients C and D, stir fry till fragrant.

3) Add in chicken, stir fry.

4) Pour in diluted coconut milk, cover , bring to boil for 15 mins till chicken is cooked.

5) Add in cooked potatoes and pour in thick coconut milk, bring to boil.

6) Add salt, chicken stock cubes /sugar, to taste.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

巧克力杏仁饼 Chocolate Almond cookies

材料1 - 牛油 : 250g, 糖粉 : 100g

材料2 - 普通面粉 : 250g, 玉米粉 : 60g, 可可粉 : 25g

材料3 - 杏仁片 : 125g


1. 将材料1 搅拌均匀

2. 加入材料2 拌均成团

3. 加入材料3拌均

4. 放在胶纸上卷成圆筒形或方形

5. 放进冰箱冰硬

6. 烤前切成薄片放在烤盘上

7. 送进已预热烤箱180ºC / 20 – 25 分钟

Chocolate Almond cookies

Ingredients A: Butter : 250g,Icing sugar : 100g

Ingredients B: Plain flour : 250g, Corn flour : 60g,Cocoa powder : 25g

Ingredients C: Sliced almond : 125g


1)   Mix well Ingredients A

2)   Add in Ingredients B, mix well to form dough

3)   Add in Ingredients C, mix well

4)   Place dough on plastic sheet, roll into spiral or square shape

5)   Leave in the fridge to form a hard dough

6)   Slice into thin slice, place onto baking tray

7)   Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC for 20 – 25 min

Thursday, July 12, 2007

猪脚醋 Sweet & Sour Vinegar Pig’s Trotter

材料1 : 双料黑糯米醋 : 1大支, 水 : 1大支, 姜 : 150g (去皮, 切大块, 拍扁), 黑糖 : 150 – 200g

材料2 : 麻油 : 适量, 姜 : 150g (去皮, 切片), 猪前腿 : 1只 (斩件, 洗净, 在滚水汤过, 捞起, 沥干)


1)   把材料1放进砂锅煮10分钟, 熄火 (此汤料提早一天先煮好, 可减少呛味)

2)   烧热锅, 倒入适量麻油

3)   投入姜片炒至香

4)   加入猪腿翻炒均匀至香

5)   盛起, 放进砂锅内把汤料煮开, 以中小火将猪腿煮至熟软, 约40分钟, 调味, 即可食用

Sweet & Sour Vinegar Pig’s Trotter

Ingredients A: 1 bottle good-quality black glutinous rice vinegar, 1 bottle water, 150g ginger cut into pieces, smashed, 150 – 200g brown sugar

Ingredients B: Sesame Seed Oil, 150g ginger (remove skin, slice), 1 pig’s trotter, cut into serving pieces
(Blanch pig's trotter in hot boiling water and drain.)


1)   Boil Ingredients A in a claypot for 10 min (best to cook 1 day in advance to reduce the strong taste)

2)   Heat up wok, pour some sesame seed oil

3)   Add in ginger, fry ginger till fragrant

4)   Add in pig's trotters, stir fry till fragrant

5)   Transfer pig's trotter to claypot, use medium-low heat stew till tender, (about 40 min) add salt or sugar to taste

杂果蒸蛋糕 Steam Mix Fruit Cake

材料1 - 牛油 : 250g, 黄糖 : 250g

材料2 - 全蛋 : 250g (4粒大)

材料3 - Vanilla oil : ½ tsp, Orange flavour : 1tbsp

材料4 (过筛) - 普通面粉 : 300g, 梳打粉 : 1tsp, 混合香料 : 1tsp

材料5 - Mixed fruits : 200g


1)   用中速将材料1打均

2)   将蛋逐粒加入打均

3)   加入材料3拌均

4)   改低速把材料4加入拌均

5)   加入材料5拌均

6)   倒入已涂油及铺上纸的22cm的圆形蒸盆

7)   在蒸盆上盖上锡纸

8)   以中火蒸30分钟改小火蒸 60 – 80 分钟

Steam Mix Fruit Cake

Ingredient A: Butter : 250g, Brown sugar : 250g

Ingredient B: Egg : 250g (4 big eggs)

Ingredient C: Vanilla oil : ½ tsp, Orange flavour : 1tbsp

Ingredient D: (sift) Plain flour : 300g, Sodium bicarbonate : 1tsp, Mixed spice powder : 1tsp

Ingredient E: Mixed fruits : 200g


1)   Mix Ingredient A well with medium speed

2)   Add one egg at a time, mix well

3)   Add in Ingredient C, mix well

4)   Reduce to low speed, stir in Ingredient D

5)   Add in Ingredient E, mix well

6)   Pour into 22cm greased, paper-lined tin

7)   Cover the tin with alumium foil

8)   Steam 30 min at medium heat, reduce to low heatand steam for another 60 – 80 mins

Thursday, July 19, 2007

黄姜饭 Nasi Briyani

材料1 - 米 : 2杯 (洗净沥干水分), 盐 : 1 tsp, 香茅 : 4根 (取从根部约5寸, 拍扁), 黄姜粉 : 1 tsp, 香兰叶 : 4 片

材料2 - 水 : 依电饭锅2杯米的水位

材料3 - 小葱头 : 15粒 (去衣切片), 八角 : 1 粒, 桂皮 : 2片


1) 把材料1所有的材料放进电饭锅

2) 慢慢加入水至电饭锅2杯米的水位线

3) 下适量油烧热, 加入葱头片炒至金黄色, 捞起葱片, 放一旁待用

4) 把八角和桂皮放进油里炒至香, 然后全部放进电饭锅, 启动电钮, 煮至饭熟, 加入炸葱片拌均

Nasi Briyani

Ingredients A: 2 cups : Rice (wash, drained), 1 tsp : Salt, 4 stalks : Lemon grass (about 5” from the root, smashed), 1 tsp : Tumeric powder, 4 leaves : Pandan leaves

Ingredients B: The amount of water is base on 2 cups of rice

Ingredients C: 15 pieces : shallots (remove skin, slice), 1 piece : Star anise (ba jiao), 2 slices : cinnamon


1) Pour Ingredients A into rice cooker

2) Add in water till reach the indicator line pointed at 2 cups

3) Heat up wok with oil , fry shallots till golden brown, dish out, leave aside .

4) Put star anise and cinnamon stick into oil, fry till fragrant, pour it into rice cooker. press the start button. when the rice is cooked, stir in fried shallots.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

黄梨饭 Pineapple Rice

煮饭的材料 : 米 : 2杯, 盐 : ½ tsp, 黄梨汁 : ½杯, 黄姜粉 : ¼ tsp, 水 : 电饭锅的水位, 香兰叶 : 4 片


1)   把米洗净, 沥干, 放进电饭锅内

2)   加入盐, 黄梨汁, 黄姜粉, 拌均

3)   加入水到2杯米的水位指数

4)   放上香兰叶, 启动电钮, 煮至饭熟, 把饭弄松

炒饭材料 : 油 : 2tbsp, 牛油 : 20g, 小葱头 : 8粒 (切片), 中虾 : 200g (去壳),火腿 : 100g (切小块), 黄梨 : 150g (切小块), 青豆 : 50g, 柠檬汁 : 1-2tbsp, 肉丝 : 随意


1)   把油和牛油烧热, 加入葱头片炒至金黄色

2)   加入虾炒至香熟

3)   加入火腿, 黄梨, 青豆, 炒均

4)   加入饭充分炒均匀

5)   加入 盐, 糖, 胡椒粉, 柠檬汁,调味, 洒上肉丝

* 买1粒大粒的黄梨, 洗净, 直切成2半
* 挖出150g 用来炒饭, 剩下的搅成汁用来煮饭用

Pineapple Rice

Ingredients for rice
2 cups : Rice, 1/2 tsp : Salt, 1/2 cup : Pineapple Juice, 1/4 tsp : Tumeric powder, Amount of water is based on 2 cups of rice, 4 leaves : Pandan leaves


1)   Rinse and drain the rice, pour into rice cooker,

2)   Add salt, pineapple juice, tumeric powder, stir well

3)   Pour water into the rice till reach the indicator line pointed at 2 cups

4)   Put in pandan leaves, press the start button. Fluff the rice when it's cooked

Ingredients for fried rice

2 tbsp : Oil, 20g : Butter, 8 pieces : Shallots (remove skin, slice), 200g : Medium prawns(remove shell), 100g : Ham (cut into small piece), 150g : Pineapple (cut into small piece), 50g : Green pea
1-2 tbsp : Lemon juice, Some Pork Floss


1)   Heat up wok with butter and oil, fry shallots till golden brown

2)   Add prawns fry till it's cooked

3)   Add ham, pineapple, green pea, stir fry

4)   Pour in cooked rice, stir fry well

5)   Add salt, sugar, pepper, lemon juice to taste.Sprinkle some pork floss

* Buy 1 big pineapple, wash, cut into half

* Hollow out the pineapple, keep 150g flesh
( for fried rice), extract the remaining into juice(for rice)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

马铃薯煎饼 Ham & Cheese Fritters


材料1 : 马铃薯 : ½ kg (去皮, 刷丝), 洋葱 : ½ 粒 (去衣, 切丝), 火腿 : 100g (切细条), 硬芝士 : 50g (刷丝)

材料2 (过筛): 普通面粉 : 50g, 胡椒粉 : ¼ tsp, 盐 : ¼ tsp

材料3 : 鸡蛋 : 1 粒


1)   把材料1放进大碗内, 用筷子搅拌均匀

2)   加入材料2拌均

3)   加入材料3拌均

4)   在平底锅倒入一些油烧热 , 放入1汤匙的煎饼馅糊, 以中小火煎至熟及金黄色

Ham & Cheese Fritters

Ingredients A: Potatoes : ½ kg (remove skin, shred), Onion : ½ pc (remove skin, shred), Ham : 100g (cut into thin strip), Cheddar Cheese : 50g (shred)

Ingredients B: (sift) : Plain Flour : 50g, Pepper : ¼ tsp, Salt : ¼ tsp

Ingredients C: Egg : 1 pc


1)   Put Ingredients A into a big bowl, use chopsticks to mix well.

2)   Add in Ingredients B , mix well

3)   Add in Ingredients C, combine well

4)   Heat frying pan with some oil , pour in 1 table spoon of batter mixture, use medium low heat to fry till it’s cooked and golden brown

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

自制蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise

材料 : 马铃薯 : 2粒, 熟蛋黄 : 2粒, 鲜奶 : 100g, 粟米油 : 100g, 柠檬汁 : 50g, 糖 : 2tbsp,盐 : ¼ tsp


1)   把马铃薯洗净, 煮熟透, 去皮, 切小块

2)   把2粒鸡蛋煮熟, 去壳, 只要蛋黄

3)   把所有材料放入搅果汁机内, 搅至细化

Homemade Mayonnaise

Ingredients :Potatoes : 2 piece, Cooked egg yolk : 2 piece,,Milk : 100g,,Corn oil : 100g,
Lemon juice : 50g, Sugar : 2tbsp,Salt : ¼ tsp


1) Wash potatoes, cooked in skin. Remove skin when it’s cooked, cut into small piece

2) Hard boiled egg, remove shell, use only egg yolk

3) Put all ingredients into blender, blend well

Thursday, August 2, 2007

沙拉 Salad

椰菜花 : 1 粒约300g (洗净, 切小块), 红萝卜 : 1 条 (削皮, 切薄片)
马铃薯 : 2 粒 (煮熟, 去皮, 切小块), 鸡蛋 : 2粒 (煮熟, 去壳, 切小块)
黄瓜 : 1 条 (去头尾, 浸水1小时, 削皮, 切片), 洋葱 : 1 粒 (去衣切细条)
蟹条 : 1包 (切小块), 蛋黄酱 : 200g


1).  准备1锅冰水, 放一旁待用

2)   煮开一锅水, 加入1tsp 油, 投入椰菜花煮几秒钟,捞起, 投入红萝卜煮几秒钟, 捞起

3)   把椰菜花和红萝卜放进冷水内10分钟, 捞起, 沥干

4)   把所有已处里好的材料. 全部放在深碗内

5)   加入蛋黄酱搅拌均匀即可, 放进冰箱保鲜


Broccoli : 1 piece about 300g(wash, cut into small piece)
Carrot : 1 piece (peel, slice)
Potatoes : 2 nos (boiled, remove skin, cut small piece)
Egg : 2 nos (Hard boiled , shelled, cut small piece)
Cucumber : 1 piece (remove both end sides, leave it to soak
for 1 hour, remove skin, slice)
Onion : 1 piece (peel, cut thin strip)
Crabsticks : 1 pkt (cut small piece)
Mayonnaise : 200g


1)  Prepare 1 pot of ice water for used.

2)   Pour water into saucepan and bring to boil, add 1tsp of oil, add in broccoli, simmer for few seconds, dish out. Pour in carrot, simmer for few seconds, dish out

3)   Pour broccoli and carrot into ice water soak for 10 minutes, dish out, drain

4)   Place all ingredients in a serving boil

5) Stir in mayonnaise sauce, place it in fridge to keep fresh

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

凉拌鸡丝 Chicken Cold Dish

材料1 : 鸡腿 : 2个, 姜 : 1块 (拍扁), 盐 : 1 tsp, 麻油 : 1 tsp

材料2 : 黄瓜 : 1条 (切头尾, 浸水1小时, 切成4段), 红萝卜: 1条 (削皮, 切成4段)

材料3 - 酱青 : 1 tbsp, 麻油 : 1 tbsp


1) 煮开半锅水, 放进鸡腿, 姜, 盐, 麻油, 煮10-15分钟至熟, 捞起鸡腿, 待冷, 撕成丝

2) 加入材料3的酱青和麻油拌均匀,待用

3) 把黄瓜和红萝卜分别刷成丝 (多少随意)

4) 把鸡肉丝, 黄瓜丝, 红萝卜丝, 拌均匀, 即可食用

Chicken Cold Dish

Ingredients A: Chicken Drum stick : 2 pieces, Ginger : 1piece (smashed)
Salt : 1 tsp, Sesame oil : 1 tsp

Ingredients B: Cucumber : 1piece (remove both end sides, leave it to soak for 1 hour, cut into 4 pieces), Carrot : 1piece (remove skin, cut into 4 pieces)

Ingredients C: Light soya sauce : 1 tbsp, Sesame oil : 1 tbsp


1)   Fill half pot of water, bring to a boil, drop in chicken,ginger, salt and sesame oil, boil for 10-15 mins till
chicken is cooked, dish out, let cool, shredded

2)   Stir in Ingredients C

3)   shredded Cucumber and carrot separately(own judgment)

4)   mix well shredded chicken, cucumber and carrot.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

开胃菜 Appetizer

材料1 : 黄瓜 : 1条 (切掉头尾, 浸水1小时, 切成块状), 红萝卜 : 1条 (削皮, 切成薄片), 黄梨 : 1粒 (去皮, 切成薄片), 洋葱 : 1粒 (去衣, 切片)

材料2 : 糖 : 150g, 热水 : 150g

材料3 : 白米醋 : 150g


1)  把材料1所有的材料处理好, 待用

2)   把糖和热水搅至糖溶, 待冷却

3)   加入白米醋搅均匀

4)   加入已处理好的黄瓜, 红萝卜, 黄梨, 洋葱拌均, 放入冰箱淹约1小时, 即可食用


Ingredients A: Cucumber : 1pc (remove both end sides, leave it to soak for 1 hour, cut into pieces)
Carrot : 1pc (remove skin, slice), Pineapple : 1pc (remove skin, slice), Onion : 1pc (remove skin, slice)

Ingredients B: Sugar : 150g, Hot water : 150g

Ingredients C: White vinegar : 150g


1)   Get ready Ingredients A, leave aside for later use

2)   Dissolve sugar in hot water, let cool

3)   Pour vinegar into water mixture, stir well

4)   Add in Cucumber, carrot, pineapple, onion, stir well , leave in fridge for 1 hour

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