Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fenying Kitchen Club 1-20

粉櫻- 我的厨房笔记
Fenying Kitchen Club

972-fenyingrecipes Index

1. 小发糕, 蕃薯发糕 - Tuesday, November 14, 2006
2. 小松糕 (Muffin), 巧克力小松糕 (Chocolate Muffin)
核桃小松糕 (Walnut Muffin) - Thursday, November 16, 2006
3. 莞茜鸡 - Sunday, December 3, 2006
4. 咖椰糯米饭 (Seri Muka)
5. 乳酪奶油 (Cheese Cream) - Thursday, December 7, 2006
6. 牛油蛋糕 (Butter Cake)
7. 轻果料蛋糕 Light Fruit Cake - Tuesday, December 12, 2006
8. Roast Chicken烤鸡 - Wednesday, December 13, 2006
9. 药材鸡腿 Herbal Chicken Thighs - Wednesday, December 27, 2006
10. 牛油饼干 Butter Cookies
11. 花生饼干 Peanut Cookies - Monday, January 1, 2007
12. 香兰蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake - Saturday, January 6, 2007
13. 皮蛋粥
14. 萝卜糕 Steamed Radish Cake - Saturday, January 13, 2007
15. Waffles Tuesday, January 16, 2007
16. 黄梨酥Pineapple Tarts - Thursday, January 18, 2007
Pineapple Tarts (Emulsification Method)
Pineapple Tart (Rub in method)
17. 巧克力核桃饼干 Chocolate Walnut Cookies - Tuesday, January 23, 2007
18. 玉米片小甜饼 Cornflakes Cookies - Friday, January 26, 2007
19. Kuih Bangkit - Tuesday, January 30, 2007
20. 炸蜂巢 Deep-Fried Beehive - Thursday, February 1, 2007
21. 鸡蛋卷 Love Letter
22. 鸡蛋糕 Kuih Baulu - Wednesday, February 7, 2007
23. 杏仁酥 Almond Cookies - Friday, February 9, 2007
24, 芒果布丁 Mango Pudding - Thursday, February 22, 2007
25. 龙眼杏仁豆腐Almond Pudding
26. 传统海绵蛋糕Traditional Sponge Cake - Wednesday, February 28, 2007
27. 瑞士卷 Swiss Roll Saturday, March 3, 2007
28. 腰豆饼干Cashewnut Cookies - Tuesday, March 6, 2007
29. Ondeh - Ondeh Friday, March 9, 2007
30. 黑芝麻糊 Black Sesame Creme -Tuesday, March 13, 2007
31. 花生糊 Sweet Peanut Crème
32. 核桃糊 Walnut Crème
33. Financies - Wednesday, March 21, 2007
34. 笋粿 Soon Kueh - Friday, March 23, 2007
35. Kaya - Wednesday, March 28, 2007
36. 香蕉蛋糕 Banana Cake - Saturday, March 31, 2007
37. 蒸木薯粿 Steam Tapioca Kueh - Tuesday, April 3, 2007
38. 糯米饭 Glutinous Rice Friday, April 6, 2007
39. 香煎鸡扒 Chicken ChopTuesday, April 10, 2007
40. 榴莲冰淇淋 Durian Ice-cream - Saturday, April 14, 2007
41. 水粿 Zui Kuih - Tuesday, April 17, 2007
42. Durian Puff - Saturday, April 21, 2007
43. 蜜瓜西米露 Sago & Honey Dew Dessert - Tuesday, April 24, 2007
44. 甜西谷米糕 Sweet Sago Kuih - Saturday, April 28, 2007
45. 水果塔 Fruit tarts - Wednesday, May 2, 2007
46. 蛋塔 Egg Tart - Friday, May 4, 2007
47. 葡式蛋塔 Portuguese Egg Tart - Saturday, May 5, 2007
48. 芋泥 Yam Paste - Friday, May 11, 2007
49. 蒸蛋糕 Steam Cake - Wednesday, May 16, 2007
50. 芋泥 Yam Paste - Friday, May 11, 2007
51. 蒸蛋糕 Steam Cake - Wednesday, May 16, 2007
52. 蒸鸡 Steam Chicken - Saturday, May 19, 2007
53. Oreo 芝士蛋糕 Oreo Cheese Cake - Tuesday, May 22, 2007
54. 虾酱鸡 Shrimp Paste Chicken - Tuesday, June 5, 2007
55. 用电饭锅煮鸡饭 Cooking Chicken Rice with Rice Cooker - Wednesday, June 6, 2007
56. 海绵蛋糕Ⅱ Sponge Cake Ⅱ - Saturday, June 9, 2007
57. 辣沙 Laksa - Wednesday, June 13, 2007
58. 九层糕 Kuih Lapis - Monday, June 18, 2007
59. 港式皮蛋粥 Hong Kong Porridge with Preserved Egg - Wednesday, June 20, 2007
60. 巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate Cake - Wednesday, June 27, 2007
61. 咖哩角 Curry Puff - Tuesday, July 3, 2007
62. 咖哩鸡 Curry Chicken - Thursday, July 5, 2007
63. 巧克力杏仁饼 Chocolate Almond cookies - Tuesday, July 10, 2007
64. 猪脚醋 Sweet & Sour Vinegar Pig’s Trotter - Thursday, July 12, 2007
65. 杂果蒸蛋糕 Steam Mix Fruit Cake
66. 黄姜饭 Nasi Briyani - Thursday, July 19, 2007
67. 黄梨饭 Pineapple Rice - Tuesday, July 24, 2007
68. 马铃薯煎饼 Ham & Cheese FrittersThursday, July 26, 2007
69. 自制蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise - Wednesday, August 1, 2007
70. 沙拉 Salad - Thursday, August 2, 2007
71. 凉拌鸡丝 Chicken Cold Dish - Tuesday, August 7, 2007
72. 开胃菜 Appetizer - Wednesday, August 8, 2007
73. 红酒糟鸡 Red Wine Residue Chicken - Tuesday, August 14, 2007
74. 红酒糟咕噜肉 Red Wine Residue sweet and sour pork - Thursday, August 16, 2007
75. 豆爽Tau Suan - Tuesday, August 21, 2007
76. 香滑小麦甜品 White Wheat Dessert - Thursday, August 23, 2007
77. Cream Puff - Tuesday, August 28, 2007
78. 巧克力核桃蛋糕Chocolate Walnut Cake - Friday, August 31, 2007
79. Kuih Kosui - Wednesday, September 5, 2007
80. 番薯蛋 Sweet Potato Ball-Thursday, September 6, 2007
81. 寿司 Sushi - Tuesday, September 11, 2007
82. 冰皮月饼 Snowskin MoonCake - Wednesday, September 19, 2007
83. 中秋月饼Traditional MoonCakes - Friday, September 21, 2007
84. 三杯鸡 - Wednesday, September 26, 2007
85. 马铃薯蘑菇浓汤 Creamy Potatoes Mushrooms Soup - Thursday, September 27, 2007
86. 乡村浓汤 Creamy Chicken Mushrooms Soup - Tuesday, October 2, 2007
87. 蒸排骨 Steam Pork Ribs - 蒸排骨 Steam Pork Ribs - Thursday, October 4, 2007
88. 酸甜鱼片 Sweet and Sour Fish - Wednesday, October 10, 2007
89. 排骨栗子汤 Pork Ribs with chestnut soup - Monday, October 15, 2007
90. 炸鱼 Deep fried fish fillet - Thursday, October 18, 2007
91. 云石蛋糕 Marble Cake - Tuesday, October 23, 2007
92. 椰香糯米糕 Glutinous Rice Pudding
93. 彩色橙香营养饭 Orange Rainbow Rice - Tuesday, November 6, 2007
94. 香滑蕉粿 Banana Pudding - Friday, November 9, 2007
95. 炸酱面 Noodles with Special Meat Sauce - Tuesday, November 13, 2007
96. 甜甜圈 Donut - Thursday, November 15, 2007
97. 蜜汁叉烧 Honey Char Siew - Tuesday, December 4, 2007
98. 蒸巧克力小蛋糕 Steam Chocolate Cup Cake -Thursday, December 6, 2007
99. 玉竹鸡汤 Yu zhu chicken soup - Tuesday, December 11, 2007
100. 龙眼冻 Longan Pudding - Thursday, December 13, 2007
101. 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pow Chicken - Friday, December 28, 2007
102. 美味肉丸 Meat Ball - Friday, January 4, 2008
103. 核桃巧克力小蛋糕 Brownies - Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

小发糕 - 自发面粉 : 250g (过筛) (Self-raising flour), 黑砂糖 : 230g, 椰浆 : 230g (用½粒椰丝加水挤出椰浆)


1. 先把自发面粉和黑砂糖放进钢盆内拌均匀.

2. 加入椰浆混合成粉糊如果粉糊太干可加多一点椰浆

3. 将粉糊倒入已放上纸的小杯分满

4. 大火蒸分钟


→ 制作蕃薯发糕
→ 分成2个步骤

第1个步骤 : 先制作面种
材料 ① - 糖 : 15g, 酵母 : 5g, 温水 : 30g
材料 ② - 普通面粉 : 65g, 双重发粉 : 5g
材料 ③ - 白油 : 5g


1. 把糖和酵母放进钢盆内,倒入温水搅拌均匀, 放置10分钟

2. 等10分钟后, 加入面粉, 发粉, 和白油, 充分拌均, 盖上毛巾/布, 让它 发酵5小时

→ 在等待面种发酵的时间内
→ 准备第2个步骤的材料


材料 ① - 普通面粉 : 125g, 双重发粉 : 5g

材料 ② - 浓椰浆 : 100g (将所有材料放入锅内, 椰糖 : 170g (切碎) 以小火不停搅煮至糖溶, 香兰叶 : 4片 微滚前熄火,待冷,过沥)

材料 ③ - 去皮蕃薯 : 200g (切薄块, 蒸熟, 压成泥)
→ 5个小时后, 面种已发育完成

第2个虑步骤: 面糊的制作:


1. 把已过筛的面粉发粉放进钢盆内

2. 倒入已冷却的椰浆混合液搅拌均匀

3. 加入已发育好的面种充分拌均

4. 最后加入蕃薯泥混合均匀

5. 把粉糊倒入已放上纸的小杯中, 静置15min

6. 大火蒸20分钟

Xiao Fa Gao

1. Self-raising flour: 250g (sifted)
2. Brown sugar: 200g
3. Coconut milk: 220g (½coconut, mixed with 100g water,Squeezed out coconut milk)

1. Mix Self-raising flour & Brown sugar into a mixing bowl
2. Add in Coconut milk and mix until well-combined
3. Line aluminum cup with paper cup
4. Pour batter into cup till 90% full, steam with high heat
for 15 minutes

Thursday, November 16, 2006

小松糕 (Muffin)

材料 ① 自发面粉 : 300g, 细砂糖 : 250g
材料 ② 全蛋 : 135g, 鲜奶 : 105g, 溶化牛油 : 125g, 香精 : ¼ tsp.


1. 先把烤炉温度调至220ºC预热

2. 将自发面粉过筛在钢盆内加入细砂糖混合均匀, 放一旁

3. 将材料(2)里的所有材料搅拌均匀, 然后倒进面粉盆中, 顺同一方向快速的搅一搅, 均匀就好(搅拌过度松糕就不松了)

4. 将蛋粉糊倒进放上纸的小杯内9分满 (或muffin杯), 放入已预热的烤炉内, 220ºC烘约15-20分钟

巧克力小松糕 (Chocolate Muffin)

材料 ①普通面粉 : 285g, 可可粉 : 15g, 双重发粉 : 10g, 细砂糖 : 260g
材料 ②全蛋 : 135g, 鲜奶 : 110g, 溶化牛油 : 125g, 香精 : ¼ tsp.
材料 ③巧克力粒/核桃 : 50g


1. 先把烤炉温度调至220ºC预热

2. 将普通面粉, 可可粉, 双重发粉, 过筛在钢盆内,加入细砂糖混合均匀, 放一旁

3. 将材料(2)里的所有材料搅拌均匀, 然后倒进面粉盆中, 加入巧克力粒, 顺同一方向快速的搅一搅, 均匀就好

4. 将蛋粉糊倒进放上纸的小杯内9分满 (或muffin杯)

5. 放入已预热的烤炉内, 220ºC烘约15-20分钟

核桃小松糕 (Walnut Muffin)

材料 ①普通面粉 : 300g,双重发粉 : 10g, 细砂糖 : 260g
材料 ②全蛋 : 135g, 鲜奶 : 110g, 溶化牛油 : 125g, 香精 : ¼ tsp.
材料 ③核桃 : 50g (洗净, 烘干, 切粗粒)


1. 先把烤炉温度调至220ºC预热

2. 将普通面粉, 可可粉, 双重发粉, 过筛在钢盆内, 加入细砂糖混合均匀, 放一旁

3. 将材料(2)里的所有材料搅拌均匀, 然后倒进面粉盆中, 加入核桃粒,顺同一方向快速的搅一搅, 均匀就好

4. 将蛋粉糊倒进放上纸的小杯内9分满 (或muffin杯)

5. 放入已预热的烤炉内, 220ºC烘约15-20分钟

Sunday, December 3, 2006


小葱头 : 10粒 (切碎) (shallots, chopped), 香菇 : 10朵 (浸软, 切粗粒) (Chinese mushrooms), 鸡 : 1只 (斩块)(1chicken about 1½kg, cut into pieces)
糖冬瓜 : 200g (切粗粒)(candied melon, chopped), 莞茜粉 : 50 -100g
(coriander powder), 胡椒粉 : 1tsp(pepper), 盐 (salt) : ½ tsp. 糖(sugar) : 2 tbsp.


1. 倒入适量油进锅内烧热

2. 放入葱头炒至金黄色

3. 加入香菇鸡块炒至香

4. 加入糖冬瓜炒均

5, 加入调味料:莞茜粉, 胡椒粉, 盐, 糖, 拌均

6. 加入适量的水煮滚 (水量约高过鸡块)

7. 盖上锅盖, 中小火煮约20分钟, 试味 (间中要打开锅盖, 翻炒均匀, 若水份不够, 可多加一些水)


1. Heat up oil, saute chopped shallots until fragrant .

2. Add in Chinese mushrooms, chicken meat, and stir-fly until aromatic.

3. Add in candied melon and mix well.

4. Add in coriander powder, pepper, salt, sugar, mix well

5. Add water and bring to boil, lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes

咖椰糯米饭 (Seri Muka)

1个9"x 3"圆形蒸盘,涂油

下层材料 (白色糯米饭)

糯米 : 300g (洗净, 浸水4小时, 滤干)(glutinous rice), 稀椰浆 : 180g, 盐 : 1 tsp.,
香兰叶 : 4片


1. 把滤干的糯米放进已涂上油的蒸盘里

2. 加入稀椰浆, 盐, 拌均匀

3. 把香兰叶放在糯米上面

4. 大火蒸15分钟后,打开锅盖,取出香兰叶, 用筷子把糯米饭翻松,

5. 然后用饭匙把糯米饭压实,盖上锅盖,再蒸15分钟,熄火

上层材料 (青色咖椰)

浓椰浆 : 400g, 细砂糖 : 220g, 全蛋 : 2粒, 香兰叶汁 : 2 tbsp, 玉米粉 : 30g
面粉 : 15g, 盐 : ½ tsp


1. 把浓椰浆, 细砂糖, 全蛋, 香兰叶汁, 放进钢盆里,用打蛋器搅拌至糖溶

2. 加入玉米粉, 面粉, 盐, 混合均匀, 过滤,倒进锅内

3. 以中小火不停搅煮至半熟(糊状) 然后倒进已蒸熟的糯米饭上, 用饭匙把咖椰表面抹平

4. 中小火蒸20分钟,取出,待冷


Seri Muka

Bottom layer :

Glutinous rice : 300g (washed, soaked for 4 hours and drained)
Coconut milk : 180g (½coconut, squeezed 180g coconut milk)
Salt : 1 tsp, Pandan leaves : 4 pieces

Method :

1. Put Glutinous rice into a 22cm steaming tray

2. Add in Coconut milk, Salt, and mix well

3. Place the pandan leaves on top

4. Steam with high heat about 15 mins, discard pandan leaves, fluff up rice and press with table spoon until firm

5. steam for another 15 mins

Top layer :

Thick coconut milk : 400g (1coconut, squeezed 400g coconut milk), Sugar : 220g
Egg : 2, Pandan juice : 2 tbsp (used 5 pandan leaves), Corn flour : 30g
Plain flour : 15g, Salt : ½ tsp

Method :

1. Stir thick coconut milk, sugar, egg and pandan juice lightly until sugar dissolved

2. Add in Corn flour, Plain flour, salt, mix well and strain into a saucepan cook with low fire and stir until thick, pour into the bottom layer

3. Steam with medium low heat about 20 mins. Remove and leave to cool before cutting into pieces

Thursday, December 7, 2006

乳酪奶油 (Cheese Cream)

芝士奶油 : 250g (Cream cheese), 牛油 : 250g (切小块) (butter)

糖粉 : 100g (过筛)(icing sugar), 柠檬皮削 : 1 tsp (grated lemon rind)

柠檬汁 : 1tbsp(lemon juice)


1. 将Cream cheese放入搅拌机内, 用中速度打至松软. 2. 加入牛油打发, 然后用匙刮一刮钢底. 3. 加入糖粉继续打至松白. 4. 加入柠檬皮削, 柠檬汁, 拌打均匀

→ 可涂抹面包/饼干食用美味可口
→ 营养丰富含高钙的食品


1. Medium speed beat cream cheese till soft. 2. Add butter and cream till soft. Scrape down the sides and bottom for even mixing. 3. Add icing sugar beat until light. 4. Add in grated lemon rind, lemon juice and mix well

牛油蛋糕 (Butter Cake)

牛油 : 250g (切小块) (butter), 糖 : 225g (castor sugar), 全蛋 : 4粒(egg)
自发粉 : 250g (过筛)(self-raising flour), 鲜奶 : 75g(milk), 香精 : ¼ tsp(vanilla oil)


1. 烤箱先以180°C预热.

2. 把牛油, 糖, 放入搅拌钢, 先用低速度打均匀, 才用中速度打发.

3. 加入第1粒鸡蛋, 打至奶油状(完全混合), 才可加入第2粒鸡蛋,

4. 当所有的蛋加完后, 用塑胶挂刀, 挂一挂钢底和钢边的面糊, 使之完全混均, 再拌打至光滑奶油状.

5. 加入香精拌均.

6. 改用最低的速度, 慢慢加入自发粉拌均

7. 慢慢加入鲜奶拌均.

8. 把面糊倒入已铺上纸的9寸 (22cm)烤盘中

9. 送进烤箱, 烘约45分钟至金黄色, 取出, 待冷


1. Pre-heat oven at 180°C

2. Put butter & castor sugar into a mixing bowl, use low speed to mix until even, change to medium speed and beat until light

3. Add in the first egg, beat will after each addition of egg until creamy

4. Scrape down the sides and bottom for even mixing

5. Add in vanilla oil and mix well

6. add in self-raising flour gradually using lowest speed. Scrape down sides for even mixing

7. Finally, add milk, mix until well combined

8. Pour into a 22cm lined baking tin

9. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for about 45 minutes until golden brown and cook. Remove from oven and leave to cool

Tuesday, December 12, 2006



材料1 - 牛油 : 250g, 黄幼糖 : 210g

材料2 - 全蛋 : 240g (4粒)

材料3 - 普通面粉 : 320g (全部混均, 过筛), 发粉 : 5g, 混合香料 : 5g

材料4 - 鲜奶 : 130g (全部混均), Brandy : 1 tsp, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

材料5 - 葡萄干 : 350g, 橘皮 : 100g

方法 (以180°C先预热烤箱)

1. 把材料1的牛油, 棕糖, 放入搅拌钢, 用低速度打均, 才用中速度打松

2. 逐粒将蛋加入打均匀

3. 用低速度慢慢加入材料3 所有的混合粉料

4. 慢慢加入材料4鲜奶混合液

5. 加入材料5拌均

6. 将粉糊倒入22cm方型烤盘

7. 以180°C烘约50-60分钟金黄色

8. 取出, 待冷

Light Fruit Cake

Group 1 - Butter : 250g, Brown sugar : 210g

Group 2 - Egg : 240g (4pcs),

Group 3 - Plain flour : 320g, Baking powder : 5g, Mixed spices : 5g

Group 4 - Milk :130g, Brandy : 1 tsp, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

Group 5 - Sultanas : 350g, Mixed peel : 100g


Pre-heat oven at 180°C

1. Beat butter & Brown sugar till light

2. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition

3. Add in Group 3 ingredients and mix well

4. Add Group 4 ingredients and mix well

5. Add Group 5 ingredients and mix well

6. Pour into a grassed 22cm/9"baking tin

7. Bake at 50-60min till cook

8. Remove and leave to cool

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Roast Chicken烤鸡

鸡 : 1只 约 1½kg(chicken)

调味料 Marinade

盐 : 1tsp (salt), 酱清 : 2tbsp (light soya sauce),

Brandy : 1tbsp 柠檬汁 : 1tbsp(lemon juice),

蜜糖 : 1-2 tbsp(honey), 混合香料 : 1tsp(mixed herbs)

黑胡椒粉 : 1tsp (ground black pepper)

方法: Method

1. 把鸡洗净加入调味料, 淹约1-2小时, 然后把鸡放在烤盘内
Chicken with marinade and season 1-2 hours

2. 烤箱用200°C预热10分钟
Preheat oven to 200°C

3. 把鸡送进烤盘内烤约30分钟至金黄色
Line a baking tray with a aluminium foil and arrange chicken onto the tray, Grill for 30min or until cooked. Serve

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

药材鸡腿 Herbal Chicken Thighs

鸡腿 : 8只,


姜汁 : 2 tbsp, 花雕酒 : 2tbsp, 麻油 : 1tbsp, 蚝油 : 2tbsp

糖 : 1tbsp,胡椒粉 : ½tsp

药材: 当归 : 32片, 川芎 : 24片,红枣 : 40粒, 枸杞子 : 适量


1. 将鸡腿淹约4小时以上.

2. 用2张锡铂纸重叠, 每份放上4片当归,

3片川芎, 5粒红枣, 1茶匙枸杞子, 然后把鸡腿放在药材上, 角对角折起包好 3. 大火蒸30分钟

Herbal Chicken Thighs

8 chicken thighs

Marinade: 2 tbsp ginger juice,2 tbsp hua diao jiu,1 tbsp sesame oil,2 tbsp oyster sauce,1 tbsp sugar , ½ tbsp pepper

Herbal: 32pcs dang gui, 24pcs chuan gong, 40 red dates, 8 tsp qi zi


1. Mix chicken thighs with marinade, season for 4 hours

2. Use 2 aluminium foil, put in 4 pcs dang gui, 3 pcs chuan gong,

5 red dates, 1 tsp qi zi, add in 1 chicken thigh and wrap up

3. Steam with high heat for 30 mins

牛油饼干 Butter Cookies

牛油 : 250g (butter), 细砂糖 : 100g (castor sugar), 蛋黄 : 1粒(egg yolk)
Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp, 普通面粉 : 350g (混合过筛)(plain flour), 蛋黄粉 : 30g
(custard powder)

1. 把牛油, 细砂糖, 放入搅拌钢内, 先用低速度打均, 然后用中速度打至松发
Cream butter and castor sugar till light and fluffy

2. 加入蛋黄, Vanilla oil打均匀. Add egg yolk and vanilla oil, mix well

3. 用低速度慢慢加入粉料拌成粉团. Fold in the sifted flour (plain flour&custard powder) and mix into a soft dough

4. 取一些粉团, 用手搓成圆形, 再稍为压扁, 并用叉按压成纹路在饼面上晒一些糖, 放在已摸上油的烤盘上. Form into ball, use a fork to make designs on top, sprinkle some sugar

5. 放入已预热的烤箱内, 180°C烘约20min至金黄色,取出,待冷
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for about 20 mins till golden brown,
Remove , leave to cool before storing.

Monday, January 1, 2007

花生饼干 Peanut Cookies

炒香花生 : 500g ─ ① 磨碎 (fried peanuts, grind finely)

普通面粉 : 500g ─ ② 过筛 (plain flour, sifted)

细砂糖 : 400g ─ ③ (fine sugar)

花生油 : 500g ─ ④ (peanut oil)

全蛋 : 2粒 ─ ⑤ (打散) (2 beaten eggs for glazing)


1. 把花生碎, 普通面粉, 细砂糖, 放入钢盆内, 混和均匀
Mix grinded peanut, plain flour, fine sugar, in a big mixing bowl

2. 慢慢倒入花生油, 顺同一方向拌均成团
Slowly mix in peanut oil till form into a soft dough

3. 用手搓成小球状, 然后一粒粒的排在已涂上油的烤盘上,搽上蛋液
Form into small balls, place onto a greased baking sheet, and glaze with beaten eggs

4. 送入已预热的烤箱, 180°C烘约25分钟至金黄色, 冷却后贮存于瓶内
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for about 25 mins till golden.Remove, leave to cool before storing

Saturday, January 6, 2007

香兰蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake

材料A - 蛋黄 : 5粒 (egg yolks), 糖 : 75g (sugar), 浓椰浆 :100g
(thick ccoconut milk), 香兰汁 : 50g(pandan juice), 玉米油 : 75g
(corn oil)

材料B - 普通面粉 : 150g全部混合过筛(plain flour), 发粉 : 8g
(double action baking powder), 盐 : ¼ tsp (salt)

材料C - 蛋白 : 5粒 (egg whites), 糖 : 75g (sugar), 玉米粉 : 5g
(corn flour)


1. 把材料A 所有的材料放入一个大钢盆内, 用打蛋器顺同一方向搅至糖溶

2. 加入材料B顺同一方向, 充分混合均匀成蛋糊状, 放一旁待用

3. 把材料C的糖与玉米粉混合均匀

4. 把蛋白放入搅拌钢内, 用中速度打至许多泡沫, 慢慢加入糖,改用高速度打至适当凝固

5. 先把⅓的蛋白加进蛋糊内, 小心混合均匀, 然后再加入其余的蛋白泡沫混均, 不要搅拌过度

6. 倒入22cm烤盘中(烤盘不需要涂油)

7. 放入已预热的烤箱内, 170°C烘约50分钟

8. 取出, 把蛋糕倒扣, 至完全冷却后, 才由烤盘取出把蛋糕

重要 :搅拌钢一定要洗到很干净, 不能有一点油迹, 也不能沾有一点蛋黄, 否则蛋白打 不起


1. Put A into a mixing bowl, use a whisk and stir in one direction until sugar dissolved

2. Add in B and stir till well-combined and leave aside

3. Mix sugar and corn flour thoroughly in a plastic bag

4. Put egg whites into a mixing bowl, use medium speed to whisk until frothy, add in sugar slowly, change high speed to whisk until stiff but not dry (egg whites can form into small peak)

5. Divide egg whites into 3 portions , pour into A and stir in one direction till well-combined,

6. Pour into a 22 cm chiffon cake tin (do not grease or line)

7. Bake in pre-heated oven at 170°C for about 50 mins till cooked and golden brown

8. Remove from oven, invert and leave to cool completely before removing cake from the tin


米 : 1杯, 猪肉碎 : 300g, 咸蛋 : 4粒 (蛋白, 蛋黄分开, 蛋黄切丁)
姜 : 3片, 鸡晶块 : ½ 块, 皮蛋 : 4粒 (切丁)


→ 小碗中放入麻油:2tbsp, 酱清:2tbsp搅均

→ 清葱切粒置碗中


1. 米洗净, 加适量水煮成粥

2. 猪肉碎置入大腕内, 加入咸蛋白, 姜片, 麻油: 1tsp, 胡椒粉: ½ tsp, 搅拌均匀

3. 当粥煮烂时, 加入鸡晶块和猪肉碎的混合料, 不停搅煮至肉熟

4. 加入咸蛋黄, 皮蛋, 再煮3分钟, 熄火

5. 食用时在粥面上洒些葱花和麻油酱清混合液

Saturday, January 13, 2007

萝卜糕 Steamed Radish Cake

材料1 (全部剁碎) - 葱头 : 5粒, 蒜头 : 5粒, 虾米 : 60g (洗净泡软)

材料2 - 猪肉 : 200g (切丝), 香菇 : 5朵 (洗净泡软, 切丝)

材料3 - 白萝卜 : 600g (刷丝)

调味料 (调均) - 水 : 500g, 盐 : 1 tsp, 糖 : 1 tbsp, 鸡晶块 : 1块, 麻油 : 1 tsp, 胡椒粉 : ½ tsp
粉浆 (调均) - 水 : 500g, 粘米粉 : 300g, 薯粉 : 50g


1. 倒入适量油进锅内烧热

2. 放入已全部剁碎的材料1炒香至金黄色(用中小火)

3. 加入材料2的猪肉丝和香菇丝炒香

4. 加入材料3的萝卜丝炒均匀

5. 倒入已调均的调味料煮开

6. 慢慢加入粉浆,边加边搅煮至凝固糊状, 倒入已涂油的蒸盘内, 大火蒸约45mins-1hour

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


4 eggs, 200g sugar, 250g coconut milk, ¼ tsp vanilla oil,300g self-raising flour, 50g melted butter


1. Mix eggs and sugar, stir till sugar dissolves

2. Add coconut milk and vanilla oil and mix well

3. Add self-raising flour mix well

4. Add melted butter mix well

5. Grease and heat the waffle iron. Pour in a suitable amount
of batter. Close the iron and bake until both sides are golden brown


全蛋 : 4 pcs., 糖 : 200g, 椰浆 : 250g, Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp, 自发粉 : 300g (过筛), 溶化牛油 : 50g


1. 把蛋和糖放在钢盆里, 用打蛋器顺同一方向搅至糖溶解

2. 加入椰浆和Vanilla oil搅拌均匀

3. 加入自发粉顺同一方向搅拌均匀

4. 加入溶化牛油搅拌均匀

5. 烧热模型, 倒入适量粉浆, 合上模型盖, 烘至金黄色

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Pineapple Tarts 黄梨酥

材料1 - 牛油 : 200g, 糖粉 : 40g (过筛)

材料2 - 蛋黄 : 1粒, 香精 : ¼ tsp

材料3 (全部混合过筛) - 中筋粉 : 300g, 蛋黄粉 : 25g, 盐 : ½ tsp

黄梨馅 : 1kg ─ (搓成小圆球, 每粒10g, 约100粒)

蛋黄 : 2粒 ─ (打散, 擦饼面用)


1. 把材料1的牛油和糖粉放入搅拌钢内, 用中速度打至奶油状

2. 加入材料2的蛋黄和香精搅拌均匀

3. 改用最低的速度, 慢慢加入已过筛的粉料, 拌均成粉团 (不要搅拌过度, 不然饼皮就不会松了)

4. 让粉团松弛 20mins

5. 取粉团10-15g, 搓成小圆球, 按扁, 包入一粒黄梨馅, 包好, 搓圆, 做成金枕头型, 饼面搽上蛋黄

6. 送入已预热烤箱180ºC, 烘至金黄色 (约18-20mins)

Pineapple Tarts (Emulsification Method)

Ingredients A: 200g butter, 40g icing sugar

Ingredients B: 1egg yolk, ¼ tsp vanilla essence

Ingredients C: (sifted)
300g plain flour, 25g custard powder, ½ tsp salt,
1kg pineapple jam (divide into small part and form into balls)

2 egg yolks (beaten, for glazing)


1. Mix Ingredients A till creamy

2. Add in Ingredients B and mix well

3. Fold in Ingredients C and mix to form a dough.

4. Leave aside for 20 mins

5. Form small ball with the dough and fill a pineapple filling inside and seal up, glaze with beaten egg yolk

6. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC for 20 mins till golden brown. Remove from oven. Cool completely before storing

Pineapple Tart (Rub in method)

Ingredients A: 250g butter (cut butter into small cubes)

Ingredients B: (sifted) : 340g plain flour, 20g custard powder, ½tsp salt

Ingredients C: 20g egg yolks, ¼ tsp vanilla oil

1 kg pineapple filling ((divide into small part and form into balls)

3 egg yolks(beaten, for glazing)


1. Place Ingredients A & B in a mixing bowl

2. Use finger tips and rub butter into flour until it resembles breadcrumbs

3. Make a hole in the center, add in Ingredients C and mix into a dough

4. Leave aside to rest for 20 mins before shaping

5. Form small ball with the dough and fill a pineapple filling inside and seal up, glaze with beaten egg yolk

6. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC for 20 mins till golden brown.Remove from oven. Cool completely before storing

黄梨酥 (搓揉法)

材料1: 牛油250g (切小块)

材料2 : (过筛) 普通面粉 : 340g, 蛋黄粉 : 20g, 盐 : ½tsp

材料3 : 蛋黄 : 20g, vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

黄梨馅 : 1kg (搓成圆球, 每粒10g)

蛋黄 : 3 粒 (打散, 搽饼面用)


1. 把牛油和已过筛的粉料放入钢盆内

2. 用手指将牛油搓揉进粉料成面包糠状

3. 加入蛋黄和香精, 拌均成光滑粉团

4. 让粉团松弛20分钟

5. 取粉团10-15g, 包入1份黄梨馅, 搓圆, 在饼面搽上蛋黄

6. 放入已预热烤箱180ºC 烘约20 分钟

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

巧克力核桃饼干 Chocolate Walnut Cookies

材料1 : 牛油 : 250g, 黄糖 : 200g

材料2 : 全蛋 : 2 pcs, vanilla oil : ¼ tsp.

材料3 : 普通面粉 : 360g, 可可粉 : 40g, 双重发粉 : 10g, 盐 : ¼ tsp

材料4 : 巧克力粒 : 100g, 核桃切粒 : 100g

材料5 : 巧克力粒 : 100g (铺饼面)


1. 将材料1放入搅拌钢, 拌打均匀

2. 加入材料2 打至奶油状

3. 加入材料3的粉料用低速度拌均

4. 加入材料4拌均

5. 挖半汤匙的粉团放在烤盘上, 不要排得太靠近

6. 在每粒粉团上放一些巧克力粒

7. 放入已预热烤箱180ºC烘约20-25mins

Chocolate Walnut cookies

Ingredients A : 250g butter, 200g brown sugar

Ingredients B : 2 eggs, ¼ tsp.vanilla oil

Ingredients C : (sifted) - 360g plain flour, 40g cocoa powder, 10g double action baking powder, ¼ tsp salt

Ingredients D : - 100g chop-chips, 100g walnut, chopped coarsely

Ingredients E : 100g chop-chips

Method :

1. Cream Ingredients A & B till well-combined

2. Add Ingredients C and mix well

3. Add Ingredients D and mix well

4. Use teaspoon to shape into ball and arrangee on greased baking tin

5. Decorate top with chop-chips

6. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC for about 20-25mins till firm

7. Remove and leave to cool before storing

Friday, January 26, 2007

玉米片小甜饼 Cornflakes Cookies

材料A: 牛油 : 125g (butter), 糖粉 : 85g (icing sugar)

材料B: 蛋黄 : 20g (egg yolk), Vanilla oil : ¼ tsp

材料C: (过筛) - 普通面粉 : 150g (plain flour), 玉米粉 : 30g (corn flour),双重发粉 : 5g (double action powder)

材料D: 玉米片 : 150g (cornflakes)


1. 将牛油和糖粉打至奶油状

2. 加入蛋黄和Vanilla oil搅打均勻

3. 加入粉料拌均

4. 用小匙取适量粉団滚上玉米片, 搓成小圆球,

5. 将小圆球放入小纸杯中, 把小纸杯一杯杯排列在烤盘上

6. 放进已预热烤箱170ºC烘约20-25分钟至金黄色, 待冷后才可贮存于瓶内


1. Cream butter and icing sugar till light and fluffy

2. Add in egg yolk & Vanilla oil and mix well

3. Fold sifted flour mixture into butter mixture

4. Drop mixture teaspoon by teaspoon onto the cornflakes. shape intoballs and place into small paper cups

5. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170ºCfor 20-25mins till golden brown

6. Remove and leave to cool before storing

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kuih Bangkit

材料1: 薯粉 : 1 kg, 香兰叶 : 10 片 (洗净, 剪成小段)

材料2: 蛋黄 : 5 粒, 细砂糖 : 400g

材料3: (混均) 浓椰浆 : 500g, 盐 : ½ tsp


1. 把材料1的薯粉和香兰叶, 以中火不停的炒至干及松和轻, 待稍冷, 过筛等到完全冷却后, 放入容器内贮存

2. 将材料2的蛋黄和细砂糖放入钢盆内, 用打蛋器搅至糖溶, 加入椰 浆拌均, 过沥

3. 取适量粉和椰浆混合液, 拌成软团

4. 把粉团放在桌面上, 洒些粉, 杆成3mm厚度, 用切割器切成饼型,在饼面上夹些花纹, 然后排列在烤盘上

5. 送入已预热烤箱以170ºC烘约20mins

: 薯粉可在制作Kuih Bangkit 1星期前, 预先炒好

Kuih Bangkit

Ingredients A: 1kg tapioca flour, 10pcs pandan leaves

Ingredients B: 5 egg yolks, 400g fine sugar

Ingredients C: (mix well) - 500g coconuts milk, ½ tsp salt


1. In a dry wok stir-fry tapioca flour and pandan leaves with mediumheat till light and dry, (very fluffy) sift and leave to cool

2. Beat egg yolks and sugar till sugar dissolves, add coconuts milk and mix well. Strain.

3. Mix a portion of cooled tapioca flour and coconuts milk till fluffy andform into a soft dough

4. Roll dough into 3 mm thick and cut into desired shapes using cookiescutter

5. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170ºC till dry about 20 mins

Thursday, February 1, 2007

炸蜂巢 Deep-Fried Beehive

材料1 - 全蛋 : 3粒, 糖 : 165g

材料2 - 浓椰浆 : 350g

材料3 - 粘米粉 : 100g, 面粉 : 50g, 薯粉 : 25g


1. 将材料1的蛋和 糖搅拌至糖溶

2. 加入浓椰浆混合均匀

3. 加入材料3的粉料拌均成粉浆, 过滤

4. 以中火烧热油, 同时把蜂巢模型也放进油中加热, 待油热后, 取出蜂巢模型, 均匀的沾上粉浆, 然后放进油中炸几秒钟, 成型后, 摇一摇模型, 使之脱模, 再重复动作做

第2个, 把蜂巢返复翻面炸至金黄色

Deep-Fried Beehive

Ingredients A: 3 eggs, 165g sugar

Ingredient B: 350g coconut milk (from I coconut)

Ingredients C: 100g rice flour, 50g plain flour, 25g starch flour


1. Beat eggs and sugar till sugar dissolves

2. Add coconuts milk and mix well.

3. Add Ingredients C and mix well. Strain.

4. Heat oil in wok. Place beehive mould in heated oil and heat mould till hot. Remove and dip into mixture. Return mould to hot oil and deep-fry till golden brown

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